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Product Details


Brake Caliper Assembly for Snowdog 10HP and 13HP models.

Check the serial number of your machine to ensure this is the correct caliper kit

Compatible with: 

Standard B10 [003157-003171] 2016
Standard B13ME WR [004162-004271] 2016
Standard B13ME WR [004272-004336] 2016
Standard B10ZE WL [004337-004443] 2016
Standard S-B13MER WR [005359-005423] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [005524-005566] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [005679-006043] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [006044-006293] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [006494-006606] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [006632-006839] 0
Standard S-B13MER WR [007914-008083] 0
Standard S-B10ZE WL [008084-008195] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [008196-008210] 0
Standard S-B13ME WR [008531-008630] 0
Compact B10 [002783-002863] 2016
Compact C-B10ME-WR [003722-003771] 0
Compact B10ZE WL [004444-004493] 2016
Compact B7ZE L [004494-004558] 2016
Compact C-B10ZE WL [006294-006393] 0
Compact C-B13ME WR [006394-006493] 0
Compact C-B13ME WR [006607-006631] 0
Compact C-B13ME WR [007440-007744] 0
Compact C-B13ME WR [008771-008830] 0
Compact C-B13ME WR [008926-009162] 0
Compact C-B13ME WR [010873-011032] 0
Compact C-B360ME-RCU [015492-015586] 0